Black LOVE Matters

I, personally, am loving all of the pro-black initiatives we’re seeing lately. Though I don’t care for the reason it’s happening, (the killing of black men and women), there is a movement arising as a result of the awareness that #BlackLivesMatter. This awareness is bringing forth the importance of supporting Black owned business, pushing to improve the educational system for underprivileged families and people of color, and increasing popularity in ethnic fashion, hair products, and trends. ALL OF WHICH I LOVE!

While we are all screaming that BLACK lives matter, I hope we all look inside of us and scream black LOVE matters.  I’m not talking about husband/wife love. I’m talking about self love!  The unconditional love from God that will conquer hate (the hate you subconsciously have for yourself and the hate you have for others). It supersedes any other type of love. During a time such as this, it’s easy to rest on the enthusiasm of others and the media, and forget about taking the time to heal from years of oppression, hurt, abandonment, and disappointment.

Some people may think this is obvious, but it’s not. Have you ever been so engulfed in a project, wedding, baby shower, etc that when it’s all over you’re so beat down that you can’t do anything for days, weeks, months, even years!? I’m not talking about a moment of recuperation. I’m talking about a state in which you are so beat down that you have to rebuild yourself from the ground up. You didn’t see about yourself during the project and now you have to pay for it to the point that you’re worse off than you were before. Well this is what I DON’T want for my people. We have to take the time to heal so when the dust settles, we won’t be in a worse state than we were before.

If you don’t want this to happen for you, please take the time to pray to your creator and ask how do you find that unconditional love. Face the pain that you have been avoiding and find resolution in your own life. This love will be with you in the good and the bad and you’ll be made whole. Everything you do will show that you matter and no one will be able to take that away from you!

I recently captured a surprise engagement party for a good friend of mine. Below are some shots from that day. Another form of Black LOVE 🙂

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