Corporate Head Shots with John S.

Moving to a city like Atlanta, GA can be intimidating and exciting at the same time. John learned this moving from the Suburbs of Chicago, IL. Starting a new career, he found it necessary to schedule a photoshoot updating his professional head shots. We made sure that he look firm but not stiff, confident but not arrogant, and polished but not made over. We also made sure his mother would be proud! When looking for a job or if you already have one, it’s always smart to have a good headshot that will help you stand out. Use it on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Resume, or whatever! Also, updating it every few years is always a good idea. Think of it like a dating website. If the last time you saw your hairline was in 1980, then you should not be sporting it as your profile picture: It’s misleading! lol I’m just saying…

Corporate Portrait in Atlanta
Corporate Portrait
Powerful Headshot in the Sun



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Atlanta-based photographer specializing in branding, commercial, and weddings.


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